The LinkedIn Comment Strategies: Boost Visibility & Engagement

Jul 10, 2024


How do some people on LinkedIn effortlessly spark conversations and build connections while others struggle to get noticed?

It's not just luck.

With around 141 million daily active users and 40% engaging with content weekly, the competition is fierce.

The secret to standing out lies in one powerful yet often overlooked tool: "strategic commenting".

In this edition, we’ll uncover how mastering the art of commenting can turn simple interactions into opportunities for growth, influence, and meaningful networking.

Let’s start with understanding the power of commenting on Linkedin.


Why Your Comments Matter?

In the sea of LinkedIn content, your comments are your voice.

They're not just responses; they're opportunities to showcase your expertise, build relationships, and expand your influence.

Here's why your comments are crucial:


  1. Increased Visibility and Reach: Comments boost your visibility on the platform. When you comment on a post, your network sees your activity, potentially exposing you to a wider audience. This increased visibility can lead to more profile views and connection requests.
  2. Engagement Drives Algorithm Favor: LinkedIn's algorithm favors posts and profiles with high engagement. By actively commenting, you're signaling to LinkedIn that you're an engaged user, which can boost your content's visibility.
  3. Relationship Building: Thoughtful comments can foster meaningful connections. They're a way to start conversations, demonstrate your expertise, and build relationships with industry peers and potential clients.
  4. Showcasing Expertise: Comments allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and insights, positioning you as an expert in your field.


#Step 1: Strategic Commenting: Quality Over Quantity

While consistent engagement is important, smart, targeted commenting can be even more powerful.

Here's how to make your comments count:

  1. It's better to leave one thoughtful comment than ten generic ones. Aim for comments that add real value to the conversation.
  2. Identify key influencers, potential clients, or industry leaders in your field. Engage regularly with their content through insightful comments.
  3. Try to be one of the first to comment on posts from your target connections. Early, valuable comments often get more visibility.
  4. Ask questions, share relevant experiences, or offer a unique perspective. This can spark meaningful conversations.
  5. While you don't need to comment on every post, maintain a regular presence on the profiles you're targeting.


#Step 2: Creating Your Strategic Connection List

To maximize the impact of your commenting strategy, create a list of profiles you'd like to connect with. Here's how:

  1. Ask yourself What do you want to achieve? New clients, industry recognition, or potential collaborations?
  2. Use LinkedIn's search function to find leaders, innovators, and influential voices in your field.
  3. Look at Your Ideal Clients and notice Who are they following? Which thought leaders do they engage with?
  4. Look up speakers from industry conferences or webinars you've attended or plan to attend.
  5. Analyze Your Competitors: Who are they connecting with? These could be valuable connections for you too.
  6. Use LinkedIn's "People Also Viewed" Feature: When viewing relevant profiles, check this section for similar professionals.
  7. Organize your list into categories like "Industry Influencers," "Potential Clients," "Collaborators," etc.
  8. Begin with a list of 20-30 profiles and gradually expand as you become more comfortable with your engagement strategy.
  9. As your network grows and your goals evolve, revisit and refine your list.

Remember, the goal is to build genuine relationships, not just collect connections.


Now let's explore three powerful commenting strategies that can transform your LinkedIn presence:


#1: The "Insight + Question" Approach

Key Elements:

  • Share a brief, relevant insight
  • Follow up with a thought-provoking question


"Your point about remote work increasing productivity resonates with my experience. I've seen a 20% boost in my team's output since going remote. I'm curious, have you noticed any downsides to this shift that companies should be aware of?

âś…Here’s a LIVE example of a comment on my one of recent posts that reflects the similar intention:

đź’ˇWhy it works:

  • Demonstrates that you've engaged deeply with the content
  • Adds value through specific, quantifiable insights
  • Shows willingness to learn from others' experiences
  • Invites a nuanced discussion, positioning you as a thoughtful industry peer


#2: The "Personal Story" Method

Key Elements:

  • Share a brief personal anecdote related to the post
  • Connect your experience to the broader discussion


"This reminds me of when I transitioned from a corporate job to freelancing. The flexibility was liberating, but I had to learn time management skills quickly! It took me about 3 months to find my rhythm. For those who've made similar transitions, what was your adjustment period like?"

âś…Here’s another example of a comment I found on a creators post that reflected the approach significantly: 


đź’ˇWhy it works: 

  • Creates an emotional connection with readers
  • Offers practical insights from real-world experience
  • Encourages others to share their stories, fostering a sense of community
  • Positions you as relatable and approachable


#3: The "Value-Add" Technique

 Key Elements:

  • Acknowledge the value of the original post
  • Contribute additional information or a different perspective


"Insightful post! We've seen a 35% increase in CTR using AI-driven personalization, but the real win was blending AI with human creativity. It boosted engagement while maintaining brand authenticity".

âś…Here’s another LIVE example of a comment I saw on one of my posts that highlighted they key topic of conversation AI usage as comments. 

đź’ˇWhy it works:

  • Positions you as a knowledgeable and well-informed professional
  • Adds significant value to the original post and for other readers
  • Demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning in your field
  • Opens up new avenues for discussion


This Week's Challenge For You

Choose one of these commenting styles and apply it to at least 5 different posts this week. Keep track of:

#1: The number of likes and replies your comments receive

#2: Any direct messages or connection requests that result from your comments

#3: How the post authors respond to your contributions



🚀BONUS Point: Repurpose Your Comments to Tweets

One of my favorite strategies for content repurposing is turning my best LinkedIn comments into tweets.

Here's why and how I do it:

  1. Double the Value: Why let a great insight live only in a comment section? By tweeting it, you're reaching two different audiences with the same piece of wisdom.
  2. Test Ideas: Use comments as a testing ground. If a comment gets significant engagement, it's likely to perform well as a standalone tweet.
  3. Build Consistency: This approach helps maintain a consistent presence on Twitter without always creating new content from scratch.


Here's my practical process:

  1. Identify High-Performing Comments
  2. Refine and Condense: LinkedIn comments can be longer, so trim your insight to fit Twitter's 280-character limit. Focus on the core message.
  3. Use Relevant Hashtags: Add 1-2 relevant hashtags to increase discoverability.
  4. If your comment is too long for one tweet, consider creating a thread to preserve the full context.
  5. If appropriate, mention or tag the original LinkedIn post author in your tweet.
  6. Share your tweet back on LinkedIn as image post, mentioning how the discussion inspired a broader conversation.


And a PRACTICAL EXAMPLE of comment I posted on Twitter.

Wrapping Up: 

Effective commenting on LinkedIn isn't just about being seen—it's about adding value, building relationships, and positioning yourself as a thought leader in your field. implementing these strategic commenting techniques:


  1. The "Insight + Question" Approach
  2. The "Personal Story" Method
  3. The "Value-Add" Technique

Make thoughtful commenting a regular part of your LinkedIn routine, and you'll soon see the impact on your network, your brand, and your business opportunities.

Your next game-changing connection could be just one insightful comment away. So, what are you waiting for?

Here's to your success on LinkedIn and beyond!

-Simi Arora


Whenever you're ready, here are two ways I can help you.

1. Launch, Grow and Scale your Personal Brand on Linkedin with my step by step C.A.R.E Framework in my new course Personal Brand Formula.

2. You can apply for a FREE 30 minutes consultation call with me and on that call we diagnose the BIG challenges that are holding your desired success and carve a plan to implement the system that has helped hundreds of my clients receive highest growth & success. 


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